Our Billings, Montana location is a new state-of-the-art facility located one mile west of Interstate 90 exit 433 on South Frontage Road. We offer quality service by trained service and parts technicians and have a fully equipped fleet of field service trucks. This location is on 9 acres and includes 9,000+ square feet of indoor parts storage and 15,000 square feet of indoor service facilities.

Contact Us
General Contact Info
(406) 252-2158
General(406) 672-4159
Parts After HoursM-F 8:00am-5:00pm
Sat by Appt
(406) 252-1165
faxFind Your Sales Rep

Large State-Of-The-Art Service Facility Serving Billings and Surrounding Areas
Modern Machinery Billings has been serving the construction and mining industry since 1959.